Advisory ID# 12
MMG ADVISORY as of 03/16/2018


For all PEERs, please be reminded of the following:

1. Before generating the SPA, update the monthly basic salary and status of employees such as newly-hired, no earnings and separated for the applicable month. Generate the PEPRL and review.
2. Upon finalization of the SPA, prepare payment which should equal the TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. No splitting of payments -- separate payments for premium and penalty IS NOT ALLOWED. Payments which do not equal the total amount due in the SPA will result to a "for reconciliation" status. 
3. The SPA should be presented to the ACA upon payment. There should only be one official receipt issued per SPA. 
4. Paid SPAs should not be deleted. Payment details should be posted immediately.
5. Always be diligent in updating and posting your reports. All submissions are considered final.

For more convenient payment options, you may enroll in the online EPRS facilities of selected ACAs. Please contact your respective PAIMS for additional details.

Thank you!