Advisory ID# 15
as of 09/03/2018
Payment and Submission of Additional Reports
To all Employers: Pursuant to Section 6e, 6f, 15d and 15e of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Health Insurance Act of 2013, PhilHealth was mandated to establish an efficient premium collection mechanism and maintain an updated membership and contributions database. Employers, on the other hand, are obliged to keep true and accurate work records for such period and containing such information as the Corporation may prescribe and allow the inspection of its premises including its books and other pertinent records. For the first semester, a number of employers have been remiss in their reporting which resulted in underpayments and incomplete reports. Thus, PhilHealth will temporarily allow said employers to submit additional reports and pay the premium including penalties incurred until 15 September 2018 only. The following procedures shall be observed: 1. The employer shall submit a letter-request addressed to the Regional Vice-President indicating therein the reason for the underpayment of premiums with a list specifying the full name and PIN of the affected employees, the amount of additional premium and supported with a copy of the payroll duly-certified by the authorized official. 2. This shall cover newly-hired employees and those excluded in the posted SPA and premium underpayments due to the wrong declaration of the Monthly Basic Salary for the applicable period of January to June 2018. 3. All payments shall be made at the nearest PhilHealth Office. A copy of the POR and remittance report shall be submitted to the Collection Section for uploading. 4. Failure to submit on the deadline shall no longer be accommodated. Please call your respective accounts officers (PAIMS) for more details.