Advisory ID# 3
as of 12/01/2017
Updating/Uploading of Basic Salary
To All PEERs/Employers: In relation to PhilHealth Circular No. 2017-0024 on the Adjustment in the Premium Contributions of the Employed Sector effective on the applicable month of January 2018 onwards, all PEERs/employers may update and upload the employee basic salaries starting December 4, 2017. The File Uploading Module is accesible only by employers with 100 or more employees. To upload/update the basic salaries please follow these instructions in the EPRS FILE UPLOADING module: 1. Based on the actual payroll, fill in the details on an excel sheet to update the employee’s monthly basic salary using the following format: PIN MONTHLY BASIC SALARY STATUS EFFECTIVITY DATE BIRTH DATE 010002143858 35000 A 010002151893 35000 A 042503376592 0 NE 11/01/2017 050251814152 0 NE 11/01/2017 010254549725 27000 NH 11/01/2017 03/12/1991 010254974825 30000 NH 11/01/2017 11/05/1993 020265329889 0 S 12/01/2017 020265460594 0 S 12/01/2017 PIN is the 12-digit PhilHealth Identification Number encoded without the hyphen. Monthly Basic Salary is the the fixed basic rate of an employee which shall not include sales commission, overtime pay, allowances, thirteenth month pay, bonuses or other gratuity payments. Salary deductions occasioned by his/her undertime, tardiness, leave(s) without pay, absences, or other similar circumstances shall also be excluded in this computation. The value should be encoded without a comma and any decimal point is applicable to indicate the 2-digit centavos. Status is the remittance status of the employee which may be NH for newly-hired, S for separated, NE for no earnings or A for active. Effectivity Date is applicable only for newly-hired, separated and no earning status to indicate the effectivity date using the following the format MM/DD/YYYY. Date of Birth to use the format MM/DD/YYYY. 2. After completing all the information, convert the excel file to a CSV file. 3. In the EPRS Uploading Menu, select the CSV file then click "choose file."Select the file to be uploaded. 4. Select the applicable period and click "Validate CSV File Format." 5. Click okay to proceed with the uploading. 6. The uploaded file will be validated and the validation result will be displayed. 7. If there are errors in the validation result of the uploaded file, the text "View Error Details" will appear. Click to view the validation errors. (Validation status 6 means that there are PINs included in the uploaded CSV file that are also included in another group.) 8. Click "View Active and No Earning Employees” to view employees already assigned in your group but have not been included in the uploaded CSV file. 9. If there are corrections to be made, the corrected/edited excel file should be saved again as a CSV file and re-uploaded as in step 1. 10. The text Without errors will be displayed if no errors are found. 11. Click finalize to update the list of employees. For further inquiries, please coordinate with your assigned PAIMS. Thank you.