Advisory ID# 68
as of 22-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Advisory No. 2025-0004 on the List of Accredited Collecting Agents of PhilHealth
Please click the link below for the List of Accredited Collecting Agents of PhilHealth as of January 7, 2025.
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Advisory ID# 67
as of 21-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Circular No. 2025-0003 on the Benefits Package for Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation Services and Assistive Mobility Devices
PhilHealth Circular No. 2025-0003 on the Benefits Package for Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation Services and Assistive Mobility Devices was published on January 20, 2025 in Manila Standard and PhilHealth website. The PhilHealth Circular shall take effect on February 14, 2025. Click the link below for more information.
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Advisory ID# 66
as of 21-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Circular No. 2025-0002 on the PhilHealth Benefit Package for Optometric Services for Children 0-15 Years Old
PhilHealth Circular No. 2025-0002 on the PhilHealth Benefit Package for Optometric Services for Children 0-15 Years Old was published on January 18, 2025 in Manila Standard and PhilHealth website. The PhilHealth Circular shall take effect upon publication in the Official Gazette or any newspaper of general circulation. Click the link below for more information.
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Advisory ID# 65
as of 13-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Advisory No. 2025-0002 on the Premium Contribution for All Direct Contributors for CY 2025
PhilHealth Advisory No. 2025-0002 on the Premium Contribution for All Direct Contributors for CY 2025 is now published in the PhilHealth website. Please click the link below for more information.
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Advisory ID# 64
as of 06-JAN-2025
Report on Non-Remitting and/or Non-Reporting Employers Tagged as Temporarily Closed (TC) for July 2023 - December 2023 and January - October 2024 Now on PhilHealth Website
The complete list of non-remitting and/or non-reporting employers for July-December 2023 and January-October2024 may now be viewed at . These employers or their employees are given 30 days upon web upload to visit the nearest PhilHealth Office in their localities to verify or validate their status and settle their outstanding obligations. The Direct Contributors shall register and/or update their records and premium contributions with PhilHealth pursuant to Rule III (Program Membership) Section 8.3 Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Universal Health Care Act (Republic Act No. 11223). Please click the link below for the latest list of Non-Remitting and/or Non-Reporting Employers tagged as Temporarily Closed.
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Advisory ID# 63
as of 02-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Circular No. 026-2015 on the Strengthening of Engagement with Employers through the PhilHealth Employer Engagement Representatives (PEERS) (Revision 1)
PhilHealth Circular No. 026-2015 on the Strengthening of Engagement with Employers through the PEERS (Revision 1) provides the functions, privileges and registration of PEERS. Please click the link below for more details.
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Advisory ID# 62
as of 02-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Circular No. 017-2015 On-Site Visits of Authorized PhilHealth Personnel
Pursuant to Section 15(e) of Revised IRR of the National Health Insurance Act of 2013 states that all government and private employers are required to allow the inspection of its premises including its books and other pertinent records. All government and private employers are hereby enjoined to recognize and extend all necessary assistance and cooperation with duly authorized PhilHealth personnel conducting site visits. Please click the link below for more details.
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Advisory ID# 61
as of 02-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Circular No. 2023-0006 on the Registration of New Business Entities and Reporting of Initial Employees through the Philippine Business Hub (PBH)
PhilHealth Circular No. 2023-0006 on the Registration of New Business Entities and Reporting of Initial Employees through the Philippine Business Hub (PBH) covers the registration of new business of One Person Corporation, Sole Proprietorships, and all other types of Corporations including the reporting of initial employees to PhilHealth through the PBH. Please click the link below for more information.
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Advisory ID# 60
as of 02-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Advisory No. 2024-0008 on the Adoption of eKYC Solution of DICT
Filipino citizens who are registered into the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) may register into the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) without the need to present any proof of identity such as valid government -issued identification cards. This electionic Know Your Customer or eKYC solution would also apply to amending of member's personal information and/or their declared dependents. Please click the link below for more details.
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Advisory ID# 59
as of 02-JAN-2025
Registration to Accredited Konsulta Provider through the PhilHealth Member Portal
PhilHealth Advisory No. 2022-0036 on the Registration to Accredited Konsulta Provider through the PhilHealth Member Portal is now published in the PhilHealth website. All Filipino citizens who are already registered in the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) can now register to their preferred accredited Konsulta Provider thru the PhilHealth Member Portal. The Member Portal is available in the PhilHealth website at in the Online Services page. Please click the link below for more details.
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Advisory ID# 58
as of 02-JAN-2025
Online Payments using GCash
Pursuant to PhilHealth Circular No. 2023-0010 on the Payment of Premium Contributions through the Online Payment Facility of the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS) (Revision 1), all employers shall pay through online facilities starting the applicable period of June 2020 and onwards. Important Reminders for Online Payments using GCash: 1. Supported Payments: Only premium payments supported by Statement of Premium Account (SPA) will be accepted; 2. Single Transaction: Use one SPA per applicable month for each transaction; 3. Member Type: Select 'P' for Private Employer or 'G' for Government Employer; 4. Exact Amount: Ensure that the amount to be paid is equal to the total amount due in the SPA; 5. No Underpayments or Overpayments: Payments must be exact; underpayments or overpayments are not allowed; 6. SPA Number: Indicate the SPA Number in the Employer Name (ER) tab; 7. Accuracy and Completeness: Employers or PhilHealth Employer Engagement Representatives (PEER) must ensure the accuracy and completeness of the SPA details and exercise due diligence when encoding payment details; 8. Receipt Issuance: One Electronic PhilHealth Agents Receipt (ePAR) will be issued for each paid SPA. 9. Posting of Payment in EPRS: Employers need to manually enter the payment details in the EPRS. Once submitted, the EPRS will confirm the posting of payment. Further inquiries may be referred to the nearest PhilHealth Local Health Insurance Office (LHIO) or to the assigned PhilHealth Accounts Information Management Specialist (PAIMS).
Advisory ID# 57
as of 02-JAN-2025
Premium Adjustment for Civilian Government Personnel Covered by Executive Order No. 64, s.2024
Please click the URL below to learn more about the Premium Adjustment for Civilian Government Personnel Covered by Executive Order No. 64, s.2024 on the Updating of Salary Schedule for Civilian Government Personnel and Authorizing the Grant of Additional Allowance and for Other Purposes and DBM Circular Letter No. 2024-3 dated February 15, 2024. Further inquiries may be referred to the nearest PhilHealth Local Health Insurance Office or to the assigned PhilHealth Accounts Information Management Specialist (PAIMS).
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Advisory ID# 56
as of 02-JAN-2025
Payment of Premium Contributions through the Online Payment Facility of the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS)
To ensure compliance in the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation issued PhilHealth Circular No. 2023-0010 on the Payment of Premium Contribution through the Online Payment Facility of the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS) Revision 1 that aims to streamline services in paying contributions of employers both in the private and government sectors. To effectively implement this policy, all over-the-counter premium payments from the employed sector shall no longer be accepted at any Accredited Collecting Agent beginning September 2024. All employers are required to utilize the online payment facility in the EPRS for faster acknowledgement and immediate posting of their remittances. For employers who were granted exemptions, over-the-counter payments shall be accepted exclusively at PhilHealth offices as supported by the Statement of Premium of Account (SPA) and their valid Certificate of Exemption. All payments made shall be on cash basis or thru Manager's Check only. Further inquiries may be referred to the nearest PhilHealth Local Health Insurance Office or to the assigned PhilHealth Account Information Management Specialist (PAIMS).
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Advisory ID# 55
as of 02-JAN-2025
Handling of Unsuccessful Payment Transactions
Please be informed that online payment transactions through the EPRS will not proceed if the employer is not registered/enrolled in the online banking system they have selected. A dialog box with remarks such as "Invalid/Missing PEN" will prompt. This error will not result in a disabled payment option in the EPRS. On the other hand, the payment option will not be disabled for unsuccessful transactions through MYEG. The prompt "Errors encountered while sending SPA to MYEG" is due to invalid email address used or connectivity issues. To address this, please check the email address used for the EPRS account or your connection. For disabled payment option/s with the prompt "SPA already sent for payment" employers shall directly coordinate the cancellation of the SPA to the bank they have selected. Please take note that PhilHealth has no control over employers' transactions with their selected banks. For the identified technical issues, below are the e-mail addresses of the ACAs for your reference: BANCNET / EGOV - SECURITY BANK - BPI (BizLink) - UNION BANK (OneHub) - LANDBANK - Communication through email is not accepted. Employers must go to the LBP branches to request cancellation. In instances where employer/s were unable to determine which bank they have selected, please send the screenshot of the payment posting indicating the PEN and SPA number for verification of the respective Account Officer.
Advisory ID# 54
as of 02-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Advisory No. 2024-0003 24/7 Contact Center Services
Please click the URL below to learn more about the 24/7 Contact Center Services of PhilHealth.
Reference URL:
Advisory ID# 50
as of 02-JAN-2025
Schedule of Contribution
Attention: ALL EMPLOYERS/PEERS This is to reiterate PhilHealth Circular No. 2020-0005 on the premium contribution schedule in accordance with the UHC Act and PhilHealth Circular No. 2018-0001 on the Clarificatory Guidelines on the Computation of Premium for the Members Under the Formal Economy which uses the Monthly Basic Salary (MBS) as basis for the monthly premium rate. Please ensure that the actual MBS is declared as this is mandatory disclosure for all government and private employers. For any queries or concerns, please contact your assigned PhilHealth Accounts Officer.
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Advisory ID# 44
as of 02-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Circular No. 2021-0010 on the Handling of Employer Request to Compromise, Waive or Release, in Whole or in Part, Interest and/or Surcharges and Payment of Premium Arrears through Installment Arrangements
Attention: All Employers This is to provide guidelines in handling employer requests for waiver of interest on missed/late contribution payments and/or the settlement of past due premiums or arrearages and their applicable interests/surcharges through installment arrangements. For information and guidance.
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Advisory ID# 39
as of 02-JAN-2025
Payment through Online Payment Facility of the EPRS
Please be informed that all employers are required to enroll their EPRS accounts at any Accredited Collecting Agents interlinked with EPRS to be able to remit premium online. This will provide faster acknowledgement of premium payments and immediate posting of employers premium contribution. The EPRS online payment will resolve the prevalence of dishonored payment transactions and prolonged reconciliation status in the EPRS due to erroneous posting of payment information. For more details please visit our website at or click the link below.
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Advisory ID# 27
as of 02-JAN-2025
PhilHealth Circular No. 2020-0008 on the Payment of Premium Contributions through the Online Payment Facility of the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS)
Please be informed that PhilHealth Circular 2020-0008 "Payment of Premium Contributions through the Online Payment Facility of the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS)" was published today, March 26, 2020 in Manila Bulletin.
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Advisory ID# 14
as of 02-JAN-2025
To All Employers and Accredited Collecting Agents; PhilHealth Circular Nos. 004, s.2015 and 2016-0008 mandates the use of the Electronic Premium Remittance System or EPRS and prescribes that all PhilHealth Accredited Collecting Agents or ACAs shall not accept premium contribution payments without the Statement of Premium Account or SPA or any amount not equal to the total amount due in the SPA. ONE SPA, ONE OFFICIAL RECEIPT NO SPLITTING OF PAYMENTS Thus, non-compliance to these rules will result to a FOR RECONCILIATION status in the EPRS and may cause inconveniences in benefit availment, for example: 1. Unequal payment versus the total amount due in the SPA. 2. Split or separate payments made for premium and penalties. 3. One receipt issued for multiple months or applicable periods. 4. Wrong posting of payment details such as the applicable month or year. Please be reminded that employers are obliged to regularly update and ensure the accuracy of their reports before finalizing, generating the SPA, making the payment and posting the reports. The premium amount reflected in the SPA shall be the basis in the preparation of payroll. All paid SPA are not to be deleted. The employees PIN, monthly basic salary and status such as newly-hired, no earnings and separated for the applicable month must be thoroughly reviewed before finalization. PhilHealth shall only process editing requests once transactions from the ACAs are reverted, cancelled or edited. Further inquiries pertaining to this advisory may be referred to your assigned Accounts Officers.
Advisory ID# 10
as of 02-JAN-2025
Mandatory Use of Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS)
Pursuant to PhilHealth Circular Nos. 025, s.2015 and 2016-0008 on the Mandatory Use of the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS), all Employers are required to use the Statement of Premium Account (SPA) generated from the EPRS for the payment of premiums, and preparation and submission of remittance reports. Further, all are advised to observe the following: a) The amount of remittances should only be the exact Total Amount Due indicated in the SPA. Under or overpayments are not allowed. b) Splitting of payments, such as payment of premium contribution or interest only, is not allowed and shall not be accepted in any Accredited Collecting Agent (ACA). c) Employers or their PhilHealth Employer Engagement Representative (PEER) shall regularly update the master list and check the remittance list through the Preliminary Employees Premium Remittance List (PEPRL) before finalization and generation of the SPA. d) To avoid posting issues, the SPA shall not be deleted once paid. The Employer or PEER shall ensure the accuracy and completeness of the SPA prior to payment. e) Employers using the online payment facility in EPRS shall follow the three (3) easy steps as indicated in PhilHealth Circular No. 027-2015: i. Step 1: Updating of employees’ remittance status ii. Step 2: Generation of SPA; and iii. Step 3: Selection of desired ACA
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Advisory ID# 9
as of 02-JAN-2025
Access to EPRS
For All Employers and PhilHealth Employer Engagement Representatives (PEERs): The PhilHealth Accounts Information Management Specialist (PAIMS) are not authorized to pay and post premium contributions. The Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS), the web-based facility used to pay and report remittances, should only be accessed by the employer through their authorized PEERs. Please report any similar scrupulous activities immediately to the nearest PhilHealth Office. For any queries, you may visit our website at or call our Corporate Action Center at (02) 866-225-88.
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